Home gardening guide

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Discover the secrets to growing asparagus in your garden! Learn how to grow asparagus from seed for a bountiful harvest in spring.

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If you're looking for an early-to-harvest vegetable for the garden, it's asparagus. Asparagus is a perennial, you can plant it once and harvest shoots for the next 10 to 15 years!

Seeds vs Crowns

It takes at least a year longer to get harvestable spears from seeds compared to starting from crowns. Crowns quickly produce plants in the first year and enough spears to eat by the second year.

Planting asparagus seeds

Start the seeds approximately four months before you want to transplant seedlings in the spring. You can also grow asparagus seedlings in pots for a year before planting them.

Transplanting to your garden

You can plant asparagus seedlings about three to four months after the seeds germinate and all danger of frost is past.


Once a harvestable crop of spears emerges, they can grow up to two inches per day, so check and harvest the bed daily in spring to get the tastiest and most tender shoots.

After harvest

When the harvest ends in 6 to 8 weeks, continue caring for the fern-like plants so they can recharge for next year's crop.

Learn more about growing asparagus from seed by clicking the link below!
