Home gardening guide

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Discover how to grow Brussels sprouts from seed with this step-by-step guide for a bountiful harvest in your garden!

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Brussels sprouts are a great addition to any garden. The plants produce lots of tight buds that resemble miniature cabbages. They're not only tasty, but their unique stalks add a touch of whimsy to your vegetable patch.

Brussel Sprout Seeds

For a spring harvest, sow your seeds about three weeks before your last frost date. For a winter or early spring harvest, you'll want to start your seeds in mid-summer, so you can transplant them about eight weeks later in early fall.

Use Peat Pots

These plants are quite sensitive about having their roots disturbed, so using peat pots can make the transplanting process smoother and less traumatic for your little sprouts.


The pH level of your soil is another crucial factor. Brussels sprouts prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6 to 6.5.

Transplanting in the garden

Space plants 16 to 24 inches apart in rows that are 30 inches apart.


Brussels sprouts like consistently moist soil, but not waterlogged.


In many varieties, the sprouts mature from the bottom of the stem upward, so harvest the plants regularly as the sprouts develop.

Learn more about growing brussel sprouts from seed by clicking the link below!
