Home gardening guide growhappierplants.com
Discover the benefits and best practices of companion planting for asparagus, boosting your harvest and controlling pests naturally!
Things to know:
Asparagus plays the long game. It takes approximately 3 years from planting until harvest. They sprout in early spring as a perennial root. A bed of asparagus can produce for up to 20 years.
Tomatoes and Eggplants
Both tomatoes and eggplants produce a chemical called solanine that helps to deter pests like the asparagus beetle.
Parsley and other herbs can help keep away pests that attack asparagus like spider mites.
Low-growing strawberry plants planted underneath asparagus helps to suppress weeds.
Say No to Chives
Chives and onions create a chemical that suppresses the growth of asparagus.
Carrots are a No Go
Carrots disturb the soil when they are harvested, and that can damage the root crown of the asparagus.
See all 16 companion plants for asparagus by clicking the link below!