Learn what to do with daffodils after they bloom, including when to deadhead and cut back foliage, so they come back year after year!

A crucial part of maintaining your daffodils after they've bloomed is deadheading, which means cutting off the flowers when they start to turn brown.

It's essential to leave the foliage intact until it turns yellow and dies back naturally. Resist the urge to tie up the foliage. Tying up the leaves prevents them from photosynthesizing properly (plus, it just looks weird!)

Applying a bulb fertilizer helps ensure that your daffodils have the energy and nourishment they need to produce strong bulbs for next year's blooms.

Over time, daffodil bulbs can become overcrowded, leading to a decline in flower production and overall plant health. You can divide those clumps and plant them in another area of the garden!

To store bulbs after dividing to plant later, place them in a mesh bag or a paper bag with small holes to allow for air circulation.

Learn more about what to do with daffodils after they bloom by clicking the link below and visiting!