Home gardening guide

Green Curved Line

Learn how to grow cantaloupe from seed and harvest fresh, juicy fruit from your own garden all summer long!

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Yellow Flower

Believe it or not, cantaloupe is easy to grow from seed. cantaloupe is a tender annual plant that produces delicious and nutritious melons about 85 days after transplanting.

You can directly sow cantaloupe seeds in the ground or start them in flats and transplant them.

Start the seeds about six weeks before you transplant, after the danger of frost. Sow two seeds about ¾ inches deep in small pots or in large cells in a seedling flat filled with damp seed starting mix. Keep the trays on a heat mat under natural or artificial light at 85 to 90°F until the seeds sprout,

Starting Cantaloupe Seeds Indoors

planting cantaloupe seedlings

Plant melons 18 to 24 inches apart in rows with a minimum of 6 feet between rows.


Cantaloupes need regular, deep watering of one to two inches per week, with the soil getting damp down to six inches.


Pick cantaloupes when the skin loses its greenish tint and turns a soft yellow, and the fruits slip easily from the vines when you touch them.

Learn more about growing cantaloupe from seed by clicking the link below!
