Home gardening guide

Green Curved Line

Learn how to grow celosia from seed and enjoy these unusual, colorful blooms in the garden or in bouquets all summer long!

Light Yellow Arrow
Yellow Flower

Celosia are perfect plants for open garden spaces, and they stay in bloom for months over the summer.  Growing celosia from seeds is easier than you may think, and I am here to show you how.

Celosia seeds

Celosia seeds are tiny black spheres. You should start the seed indoors for 4 to 6 weeks before planting outdoors.

Planting Celosia seeds

Bury the seeds about 1/4 inch into the soil. Cover the seed starting tray with plastic wrap to keep the soil moist, opening once a day for air circulation. Keep the soil moist by misting but not too soggy.

Temperature and Humidity

Keep the temperature between 70 and 80 degrees during the 7 to 14 day germination process.


Keep the soil moist during the germination period, but not soggy. Once the seedlings are up allow the soil to dry out some before hardening.


Celosia seedlings need light to germinate; so place the seed tray in natural or artificial light daily.

Hardening off

To prevent transplant shock, acclimate your celosia seedlings to outdoor conditions by gradually increasing their exposure to outdoors once night temperatures are above 55 degrees.

Learn more about growing Celosia from seed by clicking the link below!
