Home gardening guide

Green Curved Line

Dahlia flowers come in an astonishing variety of colors, forms, and sizes. Every dahlia grown from seed is a never know what kind of flower you'll get!

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Light Yellow Arrow
Yellow Flower

What do dahlia seeds look like?

Dahlia seeds are long and fairly large, with one pointed end and one rounded end. They are typically dark brown or black when dried.

How to start dahlias from seeds

Starting seeds indoors

Planting dahlia seeds is a fairly straightforward process. You'll want to start about six weeks before your last frost date to give your new plants enough time to grow large enough to flower in late summer.

Planting dahlias in the garden

Once your seedlings have put on a few inches of growth and the soil is warm, you can plant them outside. Choose a spot in the garden with full sun and excellent drainage.

How to plant

Dig a hole 2 ft wide and 2 ft deep to give your dahlia tuber room to reproduce.

Caring for dahlias

Stake the plants as the grow to keep them nice and straight.

Learn more about growing dahlias from seed by clicking the link below!
