Pruning hellebores gives the plant space for new growth and cleans up the spent leaves. Here's how to prune hellebores (and when to do it!)

The best time to prune hellebores is in late winter or early spring. If you see new flower stalks appearing in the center of the plant, it's time to cut away the old growth.

Lift up each leaf and follow the stem back to the base. Use clean pruning shears to cut the stem close to the ground, being careful not to cut into the new growth.

After cleaning up the leaves and debris from around the base of the plant, you're left with a fresh looking hellebore that's ready to bloom!

I have five or six hellebores in my shade garden, and they were all pruned in late January. The new blooms look glorious in February and March when nothing else is growing yet!

Learn more about pruning hellebores by clicking the link below and visiting!