If you grow snapdragons from seed, eventually you'll need to pinch them back. While it feels wrong to cut off that new growth, it actually makes a better plant!

Wait until your snapdragon seedlings are 3-4 inches tall with at least three sets of leaves.

Cut above the second or third set of leaves.

Pinching forces the plant to switch production efforts to these side shoots.

After just a few days, you can already see new side shoots on either side of the cut.

Rather than tossing the cuttings in the compost heap, you can try propagating your snapdragon cuttings instead!

I picked out the longest stems, and placed them in water along the edge of a shallow dish

Keep your cuttings at room temperature in indirect light for a week or two, checking the ends for roots and keeping them submerged. Once you see the white roots emerge, just pop them into a pot and let them grow!

Now that I've pinched my snapdragon seedlings and let the cuts callous over, I'm starting to harden them off outside. After a week or so, they'll be ready to go out into the garden!

Learn more about pinching snapdragons by clicking the link below and visiting!