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Best Companion Plants for Celery [and Which to Avoid]

Unlock the benefits of companion planting for celery! Boost yields, deter pests, and enhance garden health with these tips.

best companion plants for celery

Celery, with its crisp texture and distinct taste, is a favorite in many dishes. Yet, cultivating it is no small feat. Its growth demands can deter many gardeners, but those who persevere are rewarded with flavorsome varieties that surpass the typical offerings in grocery stores.

If your celery plants are giving you a hard time, there's a natural and synergistic approach to consider: companion planting. This age-old technique balances the strengths and needs of different plants, enhancing overall yields, reducing manual effort, and addressing common challenges such as pests.

In this article, we'll delve deep into companion planting for celery, offering insights into the best plant partners and the mutual benefits they bring.

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Best companion plants for celery

PlantPrimary BenefitsAdditional Notes
MintRepels rabbits and insect pestsInvasive, best grown in a nearby container
NasturtiumsDeters common pests like flea beetlesActs as a trap crop for aphids
MarigoldsRepels insectsAlso traps slugs and snails
CosmosInvites beneficial insectsAttracts parasitic wasps
Herbs (Rosemary, Sage, Basil, Thyme)Insect-repelling odorRequire less water, best in nearby containers
DillRepels pests and attracts pollinatorsAttracts pollinators that may help nearby plants set fruit
Beans (Bush, Pole, Peas)Boosts soil nitrogenHelps celery grow faster and develop deeper green color
SpinachShares growing requirementsEfficient use of water and fertilizer
Brassica Crops (Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Kale)Deters brassica pestsProvides shade for celery seedlings
Alliums (Onions, Garlic, Leeks, Shallots)Repels pests and may improve flavorLeave 16 inches between crops
ChamomileMay improve celery flavor
celery growing in garden

What not to plant near celery

Plants to Avoid with CeleryReasons to AvoidAdditional Notes
CarrotsAttract the same pestsSame plant family as celery
TurnipsAttract the same pestsSame plant family as celery
ParsleyAttract the same pestsSame plant family as celery
ParsnipsAttract the same pestsSame plant family as celery
PotatoesCan disturb celery rootsHarvesting can affect celery's shallow roots
RutabagasCan disturb celery rootsHarvesting can affect celery's shallow roots
CilantroMixed results with celerySome gardeners find benefits, others don’t

Things to know about growing celery

Growing celery from seed requires lots of patience and perseverance. This picky plant will teach you the importance of providing the right growing conditions, making it a challenge for even experienced gardeners.

celery seedlings

Celery loves lots of water, fertile soil, good drainage, and bright sun. A lack of the right conditions can produce stringy and flavorless celery.

Celery takes about 16 weeks to mature, and it prefers to avoid having its roots bothered while it grows. Therefore, it's a good idea not to plant it too close to any below-ground crops where the roots can get harmed during harvest.

celery plants growing in a row

In addition, it is also prone to several damaging pests like aphids and rabbits. One way to protect celery plants is by companion gardening with herbs and vegetables that can keep pests away and improve flavor. 

close up view of celery plants growing

Mastering the art of companion planting with celery can greatly enhance your gardening success. By thoughtfully choosing its neighbors, you not only protect this delicious veggie from pests but also unlock its full flavor potential. Happy gardening!